(Our Name)
E ALA E | RISE! This is a call for our Native Hawaiian communities to unite as one hui (group) to focus shared passions and energies toward creating enduring memories for all.
The rising of the sun from the earth provides hope for each new day. Our ancestor Kāne is a primary source of life as he provides our most basic needs.
The patterning of the sun in a pōhaku (stone) relief-like petroglyph is a beautiful and elegant reminder of our ancient art of passing 'ike (knowledge) and wisdom, telling the important stories and celebrating victories of our people from one generation to the next.
Pōhaku represents Papahānaumoku - Earth Mother, bearer of islands, and the oldest mo'olelo (story) of Hawai'i. It is the firm foundation of that which we are building together. - Kumu Hula Kaleo Trinidad
(Our Logo)

(Who We Are)
E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center (EHCC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Hawaiian cultural organization formed in Virginia in December 2017 to preserve and perpetuate the vibrancy of the Native Hawaiian people and culture. The organization was founded with a shared vision and common values to help create an inclusive community for people from all backgrounds who desire to come together in the spirit of aloha.
In the first two years of operation, cultural courses, workshops, seminars, events, and activities in the National Capital Region include hula (dance), 'ōlelo (language), oli (chant), cooking classes, kākau (tattoo), and Hawaiian fashion, Our strategic plan expands on the activities performed to date and frames and implements the next steps toward achieving the broader mission and vision.
(The Family)