If you havenʻt made any plans or want to enhance the day, check out Amazon Smile. Same-day, next-day, and 2-day shipping make planning easy. Before you shop, please choose E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center (EHCC) as your Amazon Smile Charity of Choice.
Here are a few COST-EFFECTIVE ideas that appeal to various love languages (words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch). What is your fatherʻs love language?
Words of Affirmation - Take some time to draw, color, paint, etc., a card for dad with words of love on this day. It is incredibly impactful when it is read aloud.
Acts of Service - Mowing the lawn, cleaning out the garbage cans, powerwash the house/fence, washing the car, making homemade treats, and breakfast in bed are all great ways to show love.
Receiving Gifts - Check out Amazon Smile! Otherwise, making homemade gifts is sweet too!
Quality Time - Fishing trips, picnics, movie night, game night, and snuggling near a fire watching the stars are all possibilities to build beautiful memories.
Physical Touch - Giving your father a big hug or holding his hand while walking in a park is a great way to enjoy any day.
However, you choose to spend the day. On behalf of the E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center ʻOhana, we wish Fatherʻs a fantastic day!
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