Spring is a fantastic time of year for us East Coast folk because the weather is warming up, and there are many outdoor things to experience. In addition, the month of April is Native Hawaiian Plant Month. However, lāʻau kamaʻāina (native plants) were vital for our survival as island peoples, with an estimated 1400 native plants (90% endemic-found only in Hawaiʻi). Unfortunately, 200+ of these endemic species have 50 or fewer plants remaining.
What can I do?
Here are some ways you can kōkua (help)
E aʻo aku, aʻo mai! Learn about native plants!
E kanu pono! Plant pono!
E ulu i nā lāʻau kamaʻāina! Grow some natives!
E mālama ʻāina! Take care of the land!
He keiki aloha nā mea kanu.Beloved children are the plants. It is said of farmers that their plants are like beloved children, receiving much attention and care.
ʻŌlelo Noʻeau
# 684Mary Kawena Pukui