E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center (EHCC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Hawaiian cultural organization formed in Alexandria, Virginia in December 2017 to preserve and perpetuate the vibrancy of the Native Hawaiian people and culture. The organization was founded with a shared vision and common values to create an inclusive community for people from all backgrounds to share the aloha spirit with others.
In the first three years of operation, cultural courses, workshops, seminars, events, and activities in the National Capital Region to include hula (dance), 'ōlelo (language), oli (chant), cooking classes, Hawaiian kākau (tattoo), and Hawaiian fashion were delivered. EHCC exceeded the early expectations for what the organization would accomplish. Our strategic plan expands on the activities performed to date and frames and implements the next steps toward achieving the broader mission and vision.
In the first three years of operation, we shared cultural courses, workshops, seminars, events, and activities in the National Capital Region to include hula (dance), 'ōlelo (language), oli (chant), cooking classes, Hawaiian kākau (tattoo), and Hawaiian fashion. EHCC exceeded the early expectations for what the organization would accomplish. Our strategic plan expands on the activities performed to date and frames and implements the next steps toward achieving the broader mission and vision.
One of the best ways to engage with communities is to provide opportunities to learn more about diverse topics involving native Hawaiian culture, values, and practices. We utilize Google Classroom and Google Meet to manage instruction and communication; using this platform will help organize our subject matter and resources, gauge participation, and maintain connections.

We see every challenge as an opportunity. Although workshops prove truly effective face-to-face, we leverage the ZOOM conference platform to launch these particular sessions, record each moment, and share it with participants after each session’s conclusion. We are invested in innovative approaches that empower our community to remain connected and deliver the support they need when they need it.

Long is the search for the way of Hawai‘i’s great thinkers (He loa ka ‘imina o ke ala o Hawai‘i ‘imi loa). An opportunity to “talk-story” with cultural masters and share their moʻolelo (story) with the world is a wonderful way to perpetuate cultural values and traditions.

Sharing useful and engaging information with communities is an essential step toward meeting our mission. We look forward to sharing these moments in person or through a webinar format this year with the goal of providing content that is both relevant and convenient.

Although our Cultural Events are a foundational way in which we serve our communities, we make it a point to identify additional service opportunities and kōkua (help) where we are able. If there is a need, we would like to learn how we can help. Learn more about our EHCC RISE! Scholarships and the ways in which we can kōkua below.